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Plagiarism is intellectual theft and it is illegal. It is the failure to acknowledge borrowed material. If you plagiarize at Champlain, you will automatically receive 0 for that assignment and a note will be placed in your file with the administration. It could also lead to your expulsion from the course and ultimately from the college. Plagiarism occurs in several ways:


  • By “borrowing” another student’s work. Be careful! If you allow a student to borrow your work, you can be accused of plagiarism as well as the student who copies from you. 


  • Copying from a book or the Internet. You will be surprised how easy it is to find a source from the Internet when I think a student has taken information from there. If, however, the original source cannot be found but plagiarism is still suspected, you may be asked to visit your instructor’s office and rewrite the essay. It is not a “crime” to use outside sources for your work. However, you must acknowledge your sources in a footnote or within the essay itself, and in the Works Cited at the end of your essay. If you do this, you are no longer guilty of plagiarism, so long as the use of the source does not account for the majority of the essay!

"Borrowed thoughts, like borrowed money,
only show the poverty of the borrower."

Lady Marguerite Blessington

Essay Writing

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